2004: The new DC FOCUS series revolving around four friends who steal an armored battlesuit continues! In the wake of a disastrous robbery committed with their stolen battlesuit, the bond between childhood friends start…
2004: Young prison inmate Ethan Harrow's mysterious power is gaining strength, skill, and even a physical form, exiting his body and slipping from cell to cell as he sleeps at night. And during his waking hours, Ethan i…
2004: Ethan Harrow's harrowing stint in jail continues! Nobody knows how a skinhead was beaten to a pulp in a secure cell at State Penitentiary but everyone knows it has something to do with the new kid. Ethan is bein…
2004: At last, Tom has come to grips with the fact that he's not just another geek among the masses he has a real, honest-to-goodness super power! No more gimpy right arm, no more medications on a regimented schedule.…
2004: The thrilling new DC Focus series continues! Cooper Santiago's ability to give people powers has brought him fame, fortune and a boatload of trouble. Now he's got the widow of a former client on his back and faces…
2004: Hit the Vegas Strip in the DC FOCUS series that looks at good vs. greed! In the debut issue we learned about Rory, the all-American hero. This month, the focus shifts to his shifty manager Cooper, who has his own …
2004: The newest DC Focus series takes a look at the action on the Las Vegas strip! Meet Rory Goodman. He's super-strong, invulnerable, charismatic and he's Vegas's newest star. But being able to punch through buildin…