2017: All things converge on Alex Ellroy, as Lon Eisley wonders if maybe she was supposed to kill this small child after all. A mindreader walks through Alex's very messy issues, a rich villain wants to manipulate his n…
#1 Kivela-c
2017: Lon Eisley is a hitwoman hired to kill a small child a few days after discovering her girlfriend pregnant. In a bold declaration of uncertainty, she saves the boy and hits the road, despire the fact her boss clear…
#4 fn/vf
2021: The final showdown between Van and everything she hates about this future. Characters you love will die, and return, and be faced with the kinds of horrible choices you only find in final issues. As we close this …
#4 fn+
2021: The final showdown between Van and everything she hates about this future. Characters you love will die, and return, and be faced with the kinds of horrible choices you only find in final issues. As we close this …
2021: Van and Eight have stepped back into the bustle of the Precinct to discover her son is still alive, there's an epic war between the Bloom and the Warlords bubbling over, and time has become a little fluid since sh…
2017: Elliot Cord, the inhuman monster who killed Hannah Gregory's father and brother, has trapped the surviving Gregory family inside their hotel. In order to save the mother she abandoned and the sister she didn't kno…