2020: Full title which we aren't using because it won't fit on the Purchase Order: 'SPIDER-WHORE DISHES THE DIRT ON FEMINISM!' Continuing from last month's AMICABLE SPIDER-VARK ANNUAL! Cerebus is still the Alpha Plus Male FeministTM of the Western WorldTM but SPIDER-WHORE is fighting back! WHY? Because that's what EVERYONE does in super-hero comic books! Fighting back! Doesn't matter 'against what?'! Fighting back is fighting back! Fighting is good! Fighting back is even better! See! Cerebus as the Alpha Plus Male FeministTM completely immobilized for pages and pages while SPIDER-WHORE DISHES THE DIRT ON FEMINISM! See SPIDER-WHORE dissociate into five different SPIDER-WHORES with five different crimped hair/antennae designs on her own Reality Comic Strip THE REAL SPIDER-WHORES OF GEHENNA! Ridiculously wealthy! Arguing non-stop about nothing! Cerebus the Alpha-Plus Male FeministTM doesn't stand a chance! (Note: The entire print run will be numbered and randomly distributed throughout Diamond's distribution!)