2020: J. Michael Straczynski - creator of Babylon 5 , co-creator of Sense8 , and writer of beloved runs on The Amazing SpiderMan, Thor, and Superman: Earth One - returns to comics, teaming with Mike Deodato Jr. - the b…
#5 fn/vf
2020: J. Michael Straczynski - creator of Babylon 5 , co-creator of Sense8 , and writer of beloved runs on The Amazing SpiderMan, Thor, and Superman: Eart h One - returns to comics, teaming with Mike Deodato Jr. - the b…
2020: J. Michael Straczynski - creator of Babylon 5 , co-creator of Sense8 , and writer of beloved runs on The Amazing SpiderMan, Thor, and Superman: Eart h One - returns to comics, teaming with Mike Deodato Jr. - the b…
2020: J. Michael Straczynski - creator of Babylon 5, co-creator of Sense8, and writer of beloved runs on The Amazing Spider- Man, Thor, and Superman: Earth One - returns to comics, teaming with Mike Deodato Jr. - the bl…
#3 Razzah-c
2020: J. Michael Straczynski - creator of Babylon 5, co-creator of Sense8, and writer of beloved runs on The Amazing Spider-Man, Thor, and Superman: Earth One-returns to comics, teaming with Mike Deodato Jr.-the blockbu…
#3 Deodato-c
2020: J. Michael Straczynski - creator of Babylon 5, co-creator of Sense8, and writer of beloved runs on The Amazing Spider-Man, Thor, and Superman: Earth One-returns to comics, teaming with Mike Deodato Jr.-the blockbu…