2000: Linda Medleys Castle Waiting has charmed countless readers with its continuing adventures of the beloved characters of Mother Goose, the Brothers Grimm, and other folklore as they live their "ever afters," happy and otherwise. Now, after a brief hiatus, the Eisner Award-winning series will return with its first trade paperback, published by Cartoon Books.Castle Waiting Vol. 1: Lucky Road TP will contain the first seven issues of the acclaimed Olio Books series, in which Lady Jain Solander escapes from her abusive husband to find sanctuary in an abandoned castle populated with incredible characters ranging from a human blacksmith to an articulate stork.Medley has been universally hailed for her ability to create a believable, sympathetic series out of the fabric of fairytales, and has increased her reputation during Castle Waitings recent hiatus through her work on Vertigos Books of Faerie. This collection will give both new readers and current fans an opportunity to experience her magic in a single volume. It will also prepare the way for Cartoon Books Castle Waiting #1, which will continue the adventure later in 2000!