#3 Vecchio A-c
2023: The final pieces of the super ritual fall into place. Rise Photophobos, god of Anti-Light! In a villains' world, Sereno is the prey, Rufián shows his true colors, and the hero's Secret Origin might hold the key to…
#2 Vecchio A-c
2023: There's a new guardian in town! NüMen is inspired by Sereno, but uses deeply unstable technology in his quest for spiritual illumination. Meanwhile, Sereno's chaotic shadow self is coming to life all on its own! S…
#1 B-c
2023: Meet SERENO, the Mystic Master of Light and guardian of New Teia, a city where magic and science intertwine by night! An avatar of collective Paranoia, a shepherd of Nightmares, and a Cult of Hate are just the st…