Titel: FORGE
Issue: #1
Verfügbarkeit: In Stock

Preis: 12,43 Euro

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2002: Everybody talks about the high price of comics, but is anyone doing anything about it? Finally, the answer is "yes!" Enter Forge, a fat new compendium of full-color comics printed on CrossGen's usual high quality paper, available every month for just $9.95. Forge #1 carries the first three chapters of Crux, the first two chapters of Sojourn, and the prequel to Negation, plus it picks up the story of Meridian right where the second trade paperback leaves off. All that and an art gallery too! Whether you're new to CrossGen's comics or have only followed a couple titles, Forge #1 is an excellent way to see what you've been missing. And at ten bucks, can you really afford not to?