2014: Delve into a twisted video game tale with Brendan McCarthy and Darrin Grimwood's The Deleted! Rich Johnston's Miss Cranbourne returns! Mike Mignola and Mick McMahon reveal the surprise twist in the nuptials when . . . Hellboy gets married! Plus, the long-running DHP serials Alabaster: Boxcar Tales and Nexus: Into the Past reach their thrilling conclusions! And, of course, new installments of Integer City, City of Roses, Monstrous, Kill Me, and Saint George! Mike Mignola (W), Caitlín R. Kiernan (W), Mike Baron (W), Phil Stanford (W), Steve Horton (W), Darrin Grimwood (W), Brendan McCarthy (W/A), Jamie S. Rich (W), Fred Van Lente (W), Rich Johnston (W), Chad Lambert (W), Mick McMahon (A/Cover), Steve Lieber (A), Steve Rude (A), Patric Reynolds (A), Ryan Cody (A), Brent Schoonover (A), Reilly Brown (A), Simon Rohrmüller (A), Christine Larsen (A), and Dave Stewart (C)