#6 Panosian-c
2013: When both sides are gunning for you, keep your head down and play them off against each other. That's Weaver's only chance to get out alive. If he runs, he'll lose his last chance to discover the truth about his o…
#5 Panosian-c
2013: A super-special, exclusive Dan Panosian cover, only available to comic shop subscribers and limited to initial orders!
#4 Phillips-c
2013: A well-laid plan goes all to hell when Weaver smells a rat... but only too late does he realize that he's the bait in the trap. He's about to learn why 'specials' always work alone, though sticking together might…
#3 Panosian-c
2013: A super-special, exclusive Dan Panosian cover, only available to comic shop subscribers and limited to initial orders!
#3 Phillips-c
2013: Professional thief-for-hire Weaver is introduced to the mysterious arms dealer Deacon Styles, who has a proposition for him. All he has to do is steal a briefcase. But why bring a man of such unique abilities half…
#2 Phillips-c
2013: Weaver's uncanny ability makes him uniquely adapted for a life of crime but also makes him a target. Now, after one grift too many, he finds his list of friends as depleted as his credit rating. Hunted through t…
#2 Panosian-c
2013: A super-special, exclusive Dan Panosian cover, only available to comic shop subscribers and limited to initial orders!