2025: A SWEEPING QUEST THROUGH A MAGICAL LAND, FULL OF MONSTROUS CREATURES AND NOBLE GODS! In a time when gods and humans live and fight together, the young boy Tsuchimaru was helpless - a mere child in the face of those mighty struggles. That is until a mysterious wandering artisan came with a sword they had forged and gifted it to the child, enabling him to take up arms in the titanic conflict!: FOR FANS OF SEINEN MANGA AND EPIC ADVENTURES! A sweeping quest through a magical land, full of monstrous creatures and noble gods! In a time when gods and humans live and fight together, the young boy Tsuchimaru was helpless - a mere child in the face of those mighty struggles. That is until a mysterious wandering artisan came with a sword they had forged and gifted it to the child, enabling him to take up arms in the titanic conflict!