Issue: PV-20.11.24: #26 Rosanas-c($4,99)
Creators: Kangas, Liana Kelly, Collin Rosanas, Ramon
Verfügbarkeit: Preorder

Preis: 5,33 Euro

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2024: In its escape from the Delta Quadrant, the U.S.S. Theseus has landed in an unknown sector of space that appears safer-if not a hundred years younger-than their own. There, the crew receive a signal from an oncoming ship: the U.S.S. Enterprise. Captain James T. Kirk is hailing. The two crews join together in the race against Lore's wave of destruction, convinced there must be some countermeasure that will save their universes from complete annihilation. But will their combined bravery and brainpower be enough? Or is it already too late for both their timelines?